But do you Condemn Hamas ?

The West has long been known for its liberal values and freedom of expression. Its press and media have been projected as “free,” meaning they operate without external pressure, political bias, or financial affiliations.

However, since the start of the Hamas-Israel war on October 7th, a different picture has emerged. Many media outlets and political elites are condemning Hamas, which is appropriate—we should all condemn violence against innocent civilians. The issue arises when the condemnation is focused solely on Hamas. When Muslim or pro-Palestinian guests appear on news or media shows, anchors often insist on them condemning Hamas. They pose questions like, “Do you condemn the atrocities committed by Hamas?” The guest is then expected to condemn Hamas and leave it at that. If you try to highlight the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) atrocities in Gaza, advocate for Palestinian freedom, speak against the occupation of Palestinian land, or criticize the agenda of the right-wing Zionist government in Israel, you risk being labeled as pro-terrorism, pro-Hamas, or anti-Semitic.

The history of the Palestinian issue is long and complex. It is evident and easy to understand who the oppressor and oppressed are, who the occupier and occupied are, who possesses a mighty military and who is defenseless, who the victims are, and who is not. As of November 9th, 2023, at least 10,569 civilians, including 4,324 children and 2,823 women, have been brutally murdered in Gaza by the Israeli army. While the Israeli army and the Zionist government commit war crimes, Western media intentionally sticks to its narrative: “Do you condemn Hamas?” Political elites also intentionally adhere to their narrative: “Israel has the right to defend itself.” They show little interest in the history, context, or ground realities; they have their own narrative, whether self-developed or imposed by others, and they want you to believe the same.